Foto di Ryan L. Moule & Hannah Thual
vernissage: 15/02/2018 - ore 19
dove: Roma (RM)
presso: Matèria, Via Tiburtina, 149
orari: Opening hours:
Tuesday to Saturday
11am – 7pm
biglietti: ingresso libero
Ryan L. Moule - Hannah Thual
15.02.2018 – 15.03.2018
Matèria and D.O.O.R are proud to present the second edition of Latent, an exhibition featuring works by Ryan L. Moule and Hannah Thual.
The Artists included in the exhibition were sourced from the second Latent open call after a meticulous selection process. In its second year the call for entries attracted over 150 submissions from all across the world, subsequently reviewed by a highly specialized and diverse international judging panel formed by Anouk Kruithof, Tristan Lund, Matèria’s gallery director Niccolò Fano and the founding members of D.O.O.R, Massimo Mastrorillo, Pamela Piscicelli and Paolo Cenciarelli.
The selection process - centered on a structured curatorial dialogue between the chosen works and Matèria’s gallery space - aims to present a viewpoint on contemporary photographic practice, approached through canonic and experimental modes of representation, intertwined with the development and reframing of the medium and its history.
Via Tiburtina 149
00185 Roma
Opening hours:
Tuesday to Saturday
11am – 7pm
Latent, a project born from the collaboration between D.O.O.R and Matèria, is a call for entries aimed at the promotion of outstanding research and production within the field of contemporary photography. The open call has no fixed theme and no age or nationality restrictions.
Latent is a project that D.O.O.R and Matèria aim to establish as an ongoing opportunity for image-makers from across the globe to showcase and further their practice. The residency programme intends to open a fresh and cyclical dialogue between the artists selected and the city of Rome.